Jess Weiler

From civicintelligence

About Me

Since my initial studies at Evergreen, my educational journey has encountered the joyous interruption of motherhood, something that has proven to be the most rewarding and satisfying part of my life. Having experienced such an enriching childhood myself, I wanted to ensure my daughter, Ruby, had the same attention in her early years of development. For the past two years, my days have been filled with the sole purpose of nurturing and educating my child.

Previously at Evergreen, I completed the Foundations of Health Science program, focusing on social and applied health. This program combined the study of general science (lab work), nutrition, anatomy and physiology in addition to encouraging heated discussions on environmental and social responsibilities.

I dabbled in courses such as mythology, anthropology, phlebotomy, art, psychology, children's literature and statistics. I wanted to experience as much as possible by taking a variety of classes.

A holistic education is crucial to my intellectual development. I took this program to pursue my interest in the marriage of civic intelligence and the “hard sciences” for positive social change.

Contact Info

(360) 359-3100