CIRAL Group Project Metacognition

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Revision as of 00:41, 28 October 2011 by Porgar08 (Talk | contribs) (Timeline)

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October 26 2011


These are self identified roles we can take to help us understand what we're doing in this project. Ideally these roles well help us generate work for ourselves to do.

  • Brainstorming - add as much as you can to lists and descriptions
    • Michael
  • Questioning - do descriptions make sense? Are lists nearing completion or missing something? Question as much as possible!
    • Brandon, Brian, Michael, Nur, Jeremiah
  • Researcher - dig up critical information that is unknown to the group
    • Erika, Nur, Jeremiah
  • Editor - Reformat, clean up, sort, and clarify what is written
    • Brian, Gary, Michael
  • Planning - develop strategies for completing tasks and carrying out the implementation of CIRAL
    • Galen, Gary, Jeremiah

Class Asset Map

Please share your gifts and skills related (in any way) to the project
through the link above


Class models

A model needs to be fleshed out from our beginning sketches to a full road map for the lab.

What sort of information do we need to accomplish this?
(Tasks For Questioners) (Tasks For Researchers)


Brainstorm and add ideas to existing projects, create new projects, speculate on feasibility.

Approaches to integrating projects with the core class


Finding and gauging interest in CIRAL from the Evergreen community. Also looking into getting organizations interested in being involved. (And what about a poster? logo?)

  • Brian

Develop timeline for this quarter

How much can we feasibly accomplish this quarter, as well as in the span of any given quarter? What are some good deadlines for when pieces might be done?


Operational Procedures

Possible ways to hold and facilitate space

  • Robert's Rules of Order
  • Roberta's Rules of Order [Site)]
  • Discernment Approach
  • Group Agreements

(Tasks For Researchers)

Appendix of Community Organizations

Community Groups that would be good partners (Tasks For Researchers)

Documenting What Worked and What Didn't

It is very important to future classes that they can learn from our mistakes and attempt to blaze new paths for themselves without having to re-invent the wheel.

Passing on Class Culture

Maybe a wiki page or stored video that can bring new members into the fold, or guide a new group entirely without a physical presence. They may possibly have to start again from nothing but the tools, and use a portion of time to learn and build the culture.


Timeline Contributors, Galen
Italics means a personal thought on the matter
Regular text means something the group deemed important and that has been incorporated by an individual
A Bold Title means a step in the process has been confirmed by the group in importance
A Bold and Underlined Title means a step in the process has been put into its proper place in sequence, its subcategories are finished, the group has approved it, and it is unlikely to change.

1. Establish foundational philosophy, values, and code of conduct
As an organization forms it begins to have a life and personality of its own. The synthesis of spirit and philosophical beliefs that its founding members weave into an organization during its infancy will continue to be an influential dynamic for future incarnations of the organization and its members. This also applies when the original founders are no longer involved. This is why it is especially important that ample time is reserved for the creation of these foundations, not only for the reasons above, but also so we will be able to collaborate in the present.
Some topics for thought might be;

  • a. how to deal with the incorporation of diverse views and approaches
  • b. how to define the combined vision, mission, and values of the organization
  • c. what actions are appropriate to an individual’s discretion vs. actions needing approval of the group mind
  • d. how to create enough structure for future members, that will free their hands from unnecessary constructional work, while not hindering their ability to create and make progress
  • e. how to create a culture that achieves desired results (i.e dedication, creativity, etc)
  • f. how conflict will be resolved

2. Coordinate support group times
It has been mentioned that it would be beneficial to have extra time to share our progress in person.
Good times might be.

  • a. Before Class
  • b. Email List
  • c. Forum

3. Create a timeline by organizing stages in an organization development process.
A timeline is important because;

  • a. it creates the very basic framework of steps for a team to coordinate around
  • b. gives members a quick glance into the possibilities and goals of the future which can be used as a source of relativity for decision making in the present
  • c. placing stages in the most effective order through consensus will give coordination to group efforts
  • d. the mutual understanding of organizational strategy that can result fosters group cohesion
  • e. in the instance of innovative but not currently appropriate ideas, there is a place to preserve them as a possibility in the future as to encourage and respect that creativity while not losing focus on the task at hand

4. Research what goals are possible and what they require.

  • a. Student Club
  • b. Non Profit
  • c. 4 Credit Model
  • d. Independent Contracts
  • e. Student Originated Studies
  • f. Preserving Versatility for future (not independent)

5. Brainstorm skills that probably lead to success as a civic participant
In preparation
it is important to

  • a. dedication
  • b. communication
  • c. asset map!!!

6. Presentation Preparation

  • Core Curriculum
  • Group Contract Process
  • Structure of Core Class
  • Evaluation of Students
  • Five Group Projects

7. Infrastructure

Create introductory training programs and content for future CIRAL members

(communication, wiki games)

Giving the organizational medium and a means of existing during transitional phases.

8. Community Outreach

9. Creating a larger organization

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