
From civicintelligence
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Use this page to add objectives or bulleted items under them. Use sub-bullets (precede the line with ** ; i.e. two asterisks) to show specific tasks. Finally, these tasks can be followed with names of people who would like to work in those areas. (Doug has identified one such task below that he'd like to work on.)

1. Bring new folks up to speed and integrate into existing projects

  • Use more workshops early on
  • Include welcome/explanatory letter
  • Handbook with explanations and FAQ
  • Include previous projects to inform further work
  • Urgent needs list, acknowledging spec. jobs and identifying personal strengths amongst the class.

2. Maintain momentum on existing projects and help inform the formation of new ones

3. Use existing projects to inform CIRAL development (explore grant funding, perhaps? Or project funding pools)

  • Document challenges, could use as a case study for informing project development.
  • Keep info on useful skills, tools and individual assets

4. Work Flows and Processes

  • Develop project definitions and time lines for community work
  • Identify what processes we will be needing and begin to develop draft processes
    • What are possible life-cycles for projects? (Doug)
  • How do we frame and develop our mission and projects in a civically intelligent way?

5. Resources — and otherwise

  • Identify stakeholders and possible community partners
  • Identify types of resources and then identify what metadata needs to be obtained for useful searching
  • Collect the information for the repository

6. Define three projects

  • Identify criteria that might be useful for these initial

7. Discuss possible projects with community groups — as appropriate

8. Develop a marketing plan

  • First, think about the purpose of a marketing plan
  • Second, identify what elements are usually in marketing plans

9. Research

10. Developing similar organizational structures across groups