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                        "user": "Dschuler",
                        "timestamp": "2017-04-12T04:20:27Z",
                        "comment": "/* Civic Intelligence Research and Action Laboratory (CIRAL) */",
                        "contentformat": "text/x-wiki",
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                        "*": "__NOTOC__\n\n=== Civic Intelligence Research and Action Laboratory (CIRAL) ===\n\nThis page is a meta-table of contents that points to the ongoing  work at Evergreen to understand and develop civic intelligence. The site is an archive of past program's studies in the field of civic intelligence as well as a collaborative space for students and other participants.  \n\nIf you're new to wiki formatting and markup please look through the wiki editing resources below.  Creating a personal profile in the [[participant  profiles | profiles section]] is a good way to get your feet wet and for others to learn a little about you.\n\n===[[Civic Intelligence Examples]]===\n\n===[[Civic Intelligence Enablers]]===\n\n\n'''The [[Main Page.2012-02-03 | previous main page]] has been moved.'''\n\n----\n\n===[[Civic Intelligence Open Text Book]]===\n\n----\n\n===[[Pattern Language Seeds and Suggestions]]===\n\n----\n===[[Anti Pattern Project]]===\n\n=== [[Anti Patterns | Anti Pattern Candidates]] ===  \nat the very least I'd like to see a list of anti pattern candidates here!\n\n===[[Anti Patterns on one page | Anti Patterns Book (draft)]]===\n\n=== [[Task Clusters | Student Task Clusters]] ===\n=== [[New/Current Work]] ===\n=== [[CIRAL Database]] ===\n=== [[FAQ | CIRAL FAQ]] ===\n=== [[Reviews to Review]] ===\n\n----\n\n[ CIRAL on Facebook] Check it out!\n\nCIRAL Email Listserv:\n\n----\n\n=== Spring 2013 ===\n\n[[Digital Resources Project]]\n\n=== Spring 2012 ===\n\n*[[Open Text Book Project | Open Text Book Project FAQ]]\n*[[Spring 2012 CIRAL Development Group Project]]\n*[[Remarks in Reed, Purce, Schuler panel on citizen engagement]]\n*[[Ciral 2.0]]\n*[[The work of the 2012 Student Think Tank | The work of the Spring 2012 Student Think Tank]]\n*[[CIRAL Processes | Schematic of CIRAL processes]] \n*[[Learning Modules | Civic Intelligence Learning Modules]]\n*[[Home Office Learning Modules | Home Office Learning Modules]]\n*[[Home Office]] - put your class feedback here!\n*[[Main Presentation | CIRAL Overview]]\n*[[CIRAL Pattern Language | CIRAL Pattern Language]]\n*[[Handbook | CIRAL Handbook]]\n*[[Objectives]]\n*[[Pick List | Current CIRAL Tasks]]\n*[[Suggestion Box | Suggestion Box]]\n*[[Participant profiles | Who We Are]]\n\n=== Evergreen Centers, Programs, and Contracts ===\n\n* [ The Center for Community-Based Learning and Action at Evergreen]\n\n* Winter 2012 — Civic Intelligence and Collective Action\n\n* Fall 2011 — Patterns of Intelligence: Beyond the Individual\n\n**[[CIRAL Group Project]] - This has a lot of work in developing CIRAL\n**[[Brainstorm Communication Strategy]]\n**[[Case Studies]]\n**[[Community Inquiries]]\n**[[Measures for Collective Intelligence]]\n**[[Thoughts on Seeing and Knowing]]\n**[[Thoughts on Why David Sometimes Wins]]\n**[[Thoughts on Street Science]]\n**[[Fall 2011 Main | Archive of Fall 2011 pages]]\n\n* Spring 2011 — Civic Intelligence: Theory and Practice\n**[[Game Projects | Civic Intelligence Games]]\n**[[Proposed Examples of Civic Intelligence | Examples of Civic Intelligence]]\n**[[Learning about Civic Intelligence]]\n**[[Big Questions]] \n**[[Little Questions | All other questions about civic intelligence.]]\n**[[Recommended Content | What belongs in the book?]]\n**[[Glossary | Terms]]\n**[[References]]\n**[[old Main Page | Archive of Spring 2011 pages]]\n\n\n=== Civic Intelligence ===\n*[[Civic Intelligence Applied! |Workshops and Games]]\n*[[Learning Modules | Civic Intelligence Learning Modules]]\n*[[Book Project | Main Civic Intelligence Open Book Project page]]  (this page is no longer the main page to the OTB project)\n**[[Book Table of Contents]]\n*[[Organizations and Movements | Organizations and other  efforts that address civic  intelligence]]\n*[[Films | Films that address civic intelligence]]\n*[[Glossary | Civic Intelligence  Glossary]]\n* [[People | Notable People Associated With Civic Intelligence]]\n\n=== Resources===\n\n* Wiki Editing\n**[[Help:Contents| help files]]\n**[ quick reference guide]\n**[ ''Wiki Editing Cheat Sheet'']\n**[ Basic Wiki Editing Video Tutorial]\n\n\n*[[Test Page]] - Try out text entry, formatting, images, etc., it won't matter if you mess up!\n\n*[ Full SeeMe Documentation]\n\n*Pattern Card Links\n**[ PDF of all 136 pattern cards]\n\n*Patterns\n**[ Liberating Voices patterns] (access to full pattern text)\n\n===Miscellaneous===\n\n* Videos\n**[ Civilization by John Baldridge]\n\n* [ Index]\n\n----\n----"