Civic Intelligence Open Text Book
From civicintelligence
Open Text Book Latest DRAFT Outline; February 6, 2014
Introduction to this book
Introduction to Civic Intelligence
Why Civic Intelligence? [motivation]
What is Civic Intelligence?
Short history of Civic Intelligence
Exploring Civic Intelligence Motivating Civic Intelligence Evaluating Civic Intelligence Measuring Civic Intelligence Demonstrating Civic Intelligence Promoting Civic Intelligence Questioning Civic Intelligence etc.
And in these various sections, there could be a focus area such as education, policy-development, activism, etc.
A Call for Action
OTHER wiki pages
Guidelines and Principles / etc. for book objectives, self-management, etc.
(1) Marketing (2) Content Development / glossary / working vocabulary (3) Purpose and intention (4) Style and production (5) Acountability (was Management)
Examples (put status behind each)
Big Topics — to be discussed in one or more places
Possible Types of Things to include in book sidebars, questions for further study, thought experiments, .....
Background material for book development — General Fodder Glossary References People
Develop a current master copy and place online (probably Moodle); There should also be a OTB-Pieces file (?!)