Civic Intelligence Open Textbook Project

From civicintelligence

The objective of this project is promote civic intelligence in a variety of ways through a focus on an Open Text Book on civic intelligence. While the focus is currently on its development, the next stages involve its distribution and use — hopefully in classrooms — but in other situations as well. We will soon be soliciting feedback on the project, thus, hopefully, engaging other people in a discussion about civic intelligence and how to think about the concept.

Clearly there are various ways to think of this project and civic intelligence. The first one (I believe) is how did it work pedagogically. We'd need to know what students learned and at what cost; in other words, is this a reasonable approach all things considered. (And what did we learn about using the Wiki environment? How much set up time? How to monitor? What degree of control or orientation works best? &mash; please add more questions here! — (We also need to remember that this work will remain at Evergreen and we can (and will) continue to improve it over time. [And that raises additional questions about how useful pedagogically is this at different phases of its development?!])

The second question is how does the book travel? In other words, how does the book (and, possibly, the book effort) influence (help or hinder) the world outside Evergreen. (And this will depend to some degree on what we decide to do with it.)