Developing a Cluster

From civicintelligence

Processes Developing a Cluster

  1. Identify: Issue, Need, Problem, or Idea, based on civic intelligence.
  2. Identify: Personnel to work in the cluster, who will take leadership responsibility, personnel with applicable areas of expertise and common interests.
  3. Gather Information: accurate and current information, Legal Responsibilities, Duplicating the work of other organizations, find expertise and authorities on the subject.
  4. Consult with Appropriate Stakeholders: Home Office, Faculty, Participants of the Cluster, Beneficiaries and user involvement.
  5. Draft Policy: Estimated Timeframe, Financial Expenditures, Determine Goals, Feedback, Complaints, Training Required, Implementation, Oversight, Revision
  6. Implementation: Assemble team, Create game plan, Assign duties, Disperse funds