Difference between revisions of "Bibliography"

From civicintelligence
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* Keck, M. and Sikkink, K (1998). [[Activists Beyond Borders: Advocacy Networks in International Politics.]] Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.  
* Keck, M. and Sikkink, K (1998). [[Activists Beyond Borders: Advocacy Networks in International Politics.]] Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.  
* Lakoff, G. (    ). Framing and Mental Models articles
* Lakoff, G. (    ). [[Framing and Mental Models articles]]
* Luntz, F. (    ). Framing and Mental Models articles
* Luntz, F. (    ). [[Framing and Mental Models articles]]
* Marcus, G. [[True Wisdom]] in Kluge.
* Marcus, G. [[True Wisdom]] in Kluge.

Latest revision as of 10:23, 1 June 2011

I've added most — if not all — of our readings. To discuss any of them, add a link to a page in this form: discuss authorsurname year-of-publication. This can be followed by a number (.1, .2 ...) if there are multiple writings by the same author in one year.

Note that most of these haven't yet been put in proper form yet.

Hey Doug do you think we should adopt the standard MLA format or stick with the format above, or something in between?

I'm not in a hurry to get these perfect but it would be nice to get them alphabetized by author's last name. (Then things like author's firstname initial, publication date (within parends), name of book or name of chapter within a book.)(Publisher location and publisher name towards end.