Case study issues

From civicintelligence
Revision as of 17:38, 16 May 2011 by Dschuler (Talk | contribs)

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Ask any question or express an issue here! Hopefully the community (students and faculty) will provide suggestions.

  • Are we supposed to be writing our case study using the wiki?
    We did decide to post it to the Wiki, rather than handed in on paper in class.
  • Do you want this paper as MLA or APA?
    I prefer a simpler version: Basically author's last name, author's first name (date). If a book: Book Name. Publisher City: Publisher Name. If an article or chapter, similar to book but with article name followed by journal name and volume, number info.
  • I am presuming that we are to weave in class texts into this case study?
    Yes please!