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"'The Commons at Evergreen"'

Decisions made by collectives and groups or officials on campus create the frame for use of "common spaces" available on campus. Many of the student groups on campus are there for making collective decisions for the student body and the campus it's self

College Mission statement: As an innovative public liberal arts college, Evergreen emphasizes collaborative, interdisciplinary learning across significant differences. Our academic community engages students in defining and thinking critically about their learning. Evergreen supports and benefits from local and global commitment to social justice, diversity, environmental stewardship and service in the public interest.

Red Square- For education, fun, free speech, and public use. However there are executive and collective decisions made that informs the campus public about groups coming to use red square and their rights to the space.

Library- Open access to the public. The community has access to services at TESC, not only the books, but also computers and visual/audio rooms. Because TESC is a public school, the decision to allow for access to the greater community was granted.

Community Gardens at Evergreen- available to anyone is the area- does cost between $10-20, but free for students. This is especially helpful for students who do not have access to gardens elsewhere, or are homeless and can then have access to growing their own food.

HCC- student public space for on campus residents only, however their is a collective process to getting events planned or educational processes up and running.

Gardens around the campus- "Welcome to Evergreen Teaching Gardens. Public spaces created to support sustainability initiatives in the South Puget Sound region. Students at The Evergreen State College designed and installed many of the gardens. Interpretive panels and plant identification labels help support your learning in these public spaces. This site provides resources for your visit."

The Forest/beach- Ecological and scientific inquiry for research, the forest and the beach are public places for the community to enjoy, learn from, and connect to. The CLUC (Campus Land use committee) and Facilities makes collective decisions about forest use and public access. Preservation/conservation vs access

CAB- The cab has available seating and hang out spots for the public

CRC (college recreation center)- Open to public, non students do have to pay a fine, however groups such as the swimming team from Olympia area use facilities to practice. There is an advisory board that makes decisions about the CRC.

Patterns Chosen

  • Indigenous Media (55)
  • Homemade Media (110)
  • Earths Vital Signs (26)
  • The Commons (2)
  • Collective Decision Making (10)

Top Three Selected

  • Homemade Media
  • The Commons
  • Collective Decision Making


"A video or video series highlighting areas of the Evergreen campus that could be loosly classified as commons. The focus will be on how students can take advantage of these areas, what activities are acceptable and how the rules are made/can be changed"

Mission Statement

"The effective management and utilization of common property requires knowledge of the available resources and processes involved with their use. Our mission is to inform the community at and around The Evergreen State College of the accessibility of common spaces and resources on campus."


Gary, Jerimiah, Amanda, Alix

"'Dump stuff here""