Anti Patterns

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Let's list anti patterns here....

Pattern MODEL This contains a list of possible pattern facets. To use this as a template you'll need the wiki "source code." Click edit on the Pattern MODEL link and you'll see the possible pattern "facets" with lots of "mark-up" information, mostly a lot of equal signs. COPY that text and back out of the Editing Pattern MODEL page using the back arrow on your browser. You can then edit any of the anti-patterns in the list by clicking the Edit link under Views and then PASTING the marked-up information from the MODEL page. You can then add any information you want to the anti-pattern in the appropriate location.

Click here for the Anti pattern work list to see what still needs to be done and what we're working on.

Sorted Anti Patterns

(Work in Progress) This is the catagorized and sorted working list of Anti Patterns for Fall Quarter 2013 (Pattern Cluster)

Fundamental Evils

Civic Ignorance


Environmental Degradation



Semantic Manipulation


Compartmentalization of Knowledge

Distorting History

Dumbing Down

Forbidden Knowledge


Hidden Agendas

Corruption and Fraud


Social Darwinism


Eye for an Eye – Retribution

Cultural imperialism



Criminalizing Poverty

Assembly Line Education

Mock Public Space

Professional Obfuscation

Sustaining World Hunger

Profit-motivated Health Care



Silenced Voices

Fear Mongering

Focus on Deficiencies

Activism Delegitimization


Media Monopolies

"Balance" Deception

Advertising-Funded Media

Weapons of Mass Distraction





Societal Apathy

Unacknowledged Privilege

Conservation Reliance --NEW


This is the place to put new patterns that have been worked on (and are hopefully at least somewhat complete) for consideration and categorization.

Conservation Reliance --Justin

Education, Inc. --New pattern on cards --needs wiki page addition

Assembly Line Education --Retitled from Bad Education

Oligarchy- Chuck, still working on it

Man vs. Nature-Justin, work in progress


Student resources

All patterns for Printing

Selected Patterns

This is the unsorted and assigned list from Spring Quarter 2013 We will work on these first. Each is followed by the names of the people who have been selected to write it. Probably the first thing to do is to craft some draft text that (1) describes what the pattern is, and (2) why the pattern is good (i.e. bad).

The Focus on Deficiencies pattern can serve as an example. It was not one of patterns in the first selection.

Hidden Agendas courtney, robert

Media Monopolies phoenix, cache

Eye for an Eye – Retribution isaac, adam

Environmental Degradation tim, ali

Weapons of Mass Distraction / Media as Spectacle, ali, justin

Societal Apathy adam, isaac

Semantic Manipulation chuck, courtney

Profit-motivated Health Care cache, tim

Professional Obfuscation robert, jonesy

Distorting History john, scott

Corruption and Fraud jonesy, phoenix

Denialism amber, john

Cultural imperialism jeremy, amber

Criminalizing Poverty justin, jeremy

Bad Education (includes Factory Education, Education for Deaffirming, Lifeless Education, etc.), scott, chuck

Ultra-nationalism robert, isaac

Racism cache, courtney

Monopoly jonesy, robert

Silenced Voices jeremy, jonesy

Mock Public Space tim, chuck

Fear Mongering justin, ali

Dumbing Down courtney, tim

Dehumanization john, cache

Compartmentalization of Knowledge scott, phoenix

Advertising-Funded Media adam, jeremy

Activism Delegitimization chuck, justin

Xenophobia ali, amber

Violence (celebration of, desensitivity about, as a problem-solving strategy), phoenix, john

Sustaining World Hunger amber, adam

Unacknowledged Privilege isaac, scott

Proposed Patterns in Work

These list contains proposed patterns that are actually being worked on. If they've been proposed but are not being worked on, they belong in the list below.


"Balance" Deception

Forbidden Knowledge

Legalistic Gerrymandering

Money Hiding and Laundering

social Darwinism

Private Schools

Proposed Patterns

These list contains proposed patterns that are not being worked on. This is where you can add pattern names. If you add a pattern name and you start work on it, it belongs in the Proposed Patterns in Work list.

Arranged marriage

Shooting the Messenger

The World is a Battlefield

Police Brutality



Caste system

Protest Zones


Misinformation super highway

Ignorance is bliss

Glass ceiling


Green mile – Corporal punishment

Barefoot and pregnant – rigid gender roles


Indentured Servitude

Passive Aggression


Drug wars

Chain gang


Labor over education

Public executions

Oppression – martial law

Profit-motivated health care


Social Control

First World Problems

Conception Deception

Money = Power

Misplaced Blame (Defending failure)



unbalanced lifestyle

economic inequality






7 deadly sins


media bias- State run media? information control

hoarding resources

throw-away society

treating symptoms

political polarization

secret societies

politics of purity

sustaining world hunger


throwaway culture

entitlement-getting what you don't deserve

defunding failure



Automatic Thinking

Semantic Gerrymandering

Forbidden Opportunities

Selfishness as Virtue


Blame the Victim

Delink Food and Health

We Are Better Than They Are

Wear The Flag Proudly

God Talks to Me; Not to Thee

Sourcing (public relations professionals as “journalists”) Herman and Chomsky

Flak Herman and Chomsky

Anti-Terrorism Rhetoric (formerly known as “anti communist ideology” Herman and Chomsky)

Exterminism See E. P. Thompson


Rationalism Über alles

Environmental Plundering

Environment as Toilet

External Control (of Local Assets)