Civic Intelligence in Social Science

From civicintelligence
Revision as of 13:41, 25 May 2011 by Dschuler (Talk | contribs)

Introduction to the Civic Intelligence in Social Science

A few suggested questions:

  • What advantages might civic intelligence offer within this perspective?
  • Why is this perspective important?
  • Is the perspective used implicitly (or sporadically or locally or partially)?
  • Can a civic intelligence orientation help inform or otherwise the efficacy or other patterns of this perspective?

Case Studies

Case Study 1 Studying Civic Intelligence

Measuring civic intelligence

Aspects of Civic Intelligence

Towards Comparing and Measuring

Variation How does it differ from place to place — and why?

Magnitude How widespread in terms of people and resource moblization?

Resistance What impediments to progress were encountered?

Organization Versus disconnected and dispirited individuals or organized groups

Sophistication We're (simply) against it versus we've developed this (possibly complicated) plan

Effectiveness But hard to show that a war (for example) was prevented...

Responsiveness How fast and how appropriate were their responses? Relative role of civic intelligence in process In relation to other possible explanations

Case Study 2 Managing Global Environmental Change

From The book "Managing Global Environmental Change": some of the questions I thought were thought provoking were:

  • How well is society prepared to meet the challenges of global environmental management?
  • What approaches have evolved in different countries and problem areas?
  • What are their strengths and weaknesses?
  • In what ways can their effectiveness be enhanced?


For Future Exploration