Community Chest

From civicintelligence
Revision as of 19:43, 10 May 2011 by Minlau29 (Talk | contribs)

A Christmas Story Version... (16 Cards)

  • Bullied by Scut Farcus and Grover Dill.  PAY $100
  • You shot your eye out! PAY $150
  • Trouble with the furnace again. PAY $50
  • Christmas Delivery Charge. PAY $40 PER GIFT WRAPPING $115 PER CRATE
  • ...Only you didn't say "fudge" GO TO JAIL (Go directly to Jail Do NOT pass Go Do NOT collect $200)
  • "I'm sure the guilt you feel is far worse than any punishment you might receive" GET OUT OF JAIL FREE (This card may be kept until needed, or sold)
  • Complete the old man's crossword puzzle and win a major award! COLLECT $200
  • Receive bounty for capturing Black Bart's Gang. COLLECT $100
  • Chang a tire in 4 minutes flat (without saying "oh fudge") COLLECT $100
  • You decode a secret message, it says: COLLECT $100
  • You remember that "Victor" is the name of the Lone Ranger's Nephew's Horse. COLLECT $45
  • Convince your parents you went blind from soap poisoning. COLLECT $25
  • Get your teeth back from Miss Shields' confiscated item drawer. COLLECT $20
  • Win "how the Piggies Eat" contest. COLLECT $10
  • Save the family from Black Bart. COLLECT $50 FROM EACH PLAYER
  • Encounter bullies on the way home from school RUN! DASH TO GO (COLLECT $200)

Here and Now Version... (16 Cards)

  • You appear on a TV morning news show to promote your new book. RECEIVE $1,000,000 IN ADDITIONAL ROYALTY FROM INCREASED SALES
  • You are runner up on a Reality TV Show. COLLECT $100,000
  • Win big at the casinos in Atlantic City. COLLECT $1,000,000
  • Sell you life time 50-yard line, season tickets on e-bay. COLLECT $200,000
  • Redo the landscaping at all of your properties. PAY $400,000 FOR EACH HOSE. PAY $1,150,000 FOR EACH HOTEL
  • You file as a candidate for Mayor. COLLECT $500,000 FROM EACH PLAYER AS CONSTITUENT SUPPORT.
  • You owe back taxes. PAY $1,500,000 IN FINES
  • Your trust fund becomes available. COLLECT $450,000
  • Your computer network gets hit with a virus. PAY $1,000,000
  • You coordinate Opening Day activities at Jacobs Field. COLLECT $250,000 FOR YOUR SERVICES
  • Get discovered while visiting Hollywood. Sign into a multi-movie contract. COLLECT $2,000,000
  • Advance to "GO" COLLECT $2,000,000
  • Arrested for Insider Trading. Go directly to Jail. DO NOT PASS "GO" DO NOT COLLECT $2,000,000
  • You win the lottery. COLLECT $1,000,000
  • Receive a Presidential Pardon. GET OUT OF JAIL FREE (This card may be kept until needed, or sold)