Community Inquiries

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The fear of a blank page can be profound! Luckily this page is no longer blank!

BTW, I'm trying to come up with a Community Inquiry of my own. After reading the Bruce article (again) I think it would be how can we build on Dewey's notion of social intelligence? Presumably there are examples that already exist?!

Devin's Community Inquiry: In the following submission I will use and cite two passages from Bertram C. Bruce's article: "From Hull House to Paseo Boricua: The Theory and Practice of Community Inquiry."

Letter to the Local Resource Center of Civic Intelligence: Department of Community Inquiries. To my representatives of the community of (enter community here), I am writing to express my concerns about the way things are going with our city’s public transportation system. Recently I have seen cutbacks in the bus routes (enter approximate bus routes) –during hours when I along with a few of my neighboring citizens depend on these transit vehicles to take us to our jobs so that we may arrive promptly to work and support our families, as well as to return us to our homes after work to attend to our families. I realize that times are hard around here but I just wish there was something we could do or some way that we could form a fund raiser to help gain local support to keep the bus routes active. Thank you for your time, -(enter name and contact info of concerned citizen)

Explanation: “Society exists through a process of transmission quite as much as biological life… Without [the] communication of ideals, hopes, expectations, standards, opinions from those members of society who are passing out of the group life to those who are coming into it, social life could not survive.” (-Bruce pg 7). After thinking about this passage, it seemed realistic to me that I present my community inquiry in the form of a potential perspective community member with some concerns about some local issues he or she has encountered. In this hypothetical scenario, there is a hypothetical resource center (both held online and at a public facility) –and this concerned citizen is sending in a request for advice on a issue and to alert other members who can help her and to speak for others who share this concern who wish to become involved in a discussion to search for a solution, hopefully resulting in some process of debate leading to an agreement. At this point the resource center would be hosting a shared experience of civil action, one that mirrors Dewey’s idea of a rewarding community experience (as Bruce points out on page 5 )- “For Dewey, it was exactly in the ordinary experiences of life that we find the core of our intellectual, moral, and social being… Making sense of experience is what prepares us for enlarged experiences in the future.” Note: If this isn't the correct space to post this or if I have taken up to much space, please let me know and I will revise this. -Devin End