Mock Public Space

From civicintelligence
Revision as of 09:16, 15 May 2013 by Kifcha07 (Talk | contribs) ((3) How it Works)

(1) Description of the pattern

Mock [adj]: not authentic or real.

Public Space: Areas or structures that are open to the public, commons,a third place. This can be private or publicly owned.

Mock Public Space: This could be characterized as places were people come and gather without physically being their. In most cases this occurs over the internet.

(2) Why the pattern is good (i.e. bad)

Mock public space is generally physical or virtual space that people perceive as "public" but in reality disallow many aspects of "publicness" that are important to democracies.

This could be an opposing pattern to "Greater Good Place" pattern card. In that pattern it describes a need for a place for people to gather and be social. it also addresses the fact that "people need the physical presence of others and that virtual spaces".

With that in mind, a Mock Public Space would replace the public spaces that people come together and share.

(3) How it Works

With online social networks and online gaming becoming more prevalent within our society, more and more people are replacing their time spent with friends and family with this new form of virtual connectivity.