Individual Insights

From Investigations
Revision as of 19:56, 18 February 2014 by Wiedenhs (Talk | contribs)

The Individual Insights page is the first part of the Powerful Uses of Technology wiki: A Project by the Master in Teaching Year 2 Candidates for 2013-2014, in conjunction with "Investigations in Our Town"

BONEPILE#1: Making educative uses of technology entails....

Group 1. Google Docs "Creating a bone pile of possible guidelines"

Group 2. Google Docs "Creating a bone pile of possible guidelines"

Group 3. Google Docs "Creating a bone pile of possible guidelines"

Group 4. Google Docs "Creating a bone pile of possible guidelines"

Group 5. Google Docs "Creating a bone pile of possible guidelines"

Group 6. Google Docs "Creating a bone pile of possible guidelines"

Group 7. Google Docs "Creating a bone pile of possible guidelines"

BONEPILE #2: Examples of technology used for Disciplinary/Learning Purposes

BONEPILE #3: Five sets of ideas on how to make educative use of a WebQuest

Webquest reflections

Part One


Part Two


Part Three