Talk:Standard 2

From selfstudy

Please place your comments in the section of the standard to which you are referring.



1.1 A Central Tension: Reflexive Thinking and Mastery

1.2 The Five Foci of an Evergreen Education

1.3 Interdisciplinary Education

1.4 Personal Engagement

1.5 Linking Theory and Practice

1.6 Collaborative/Cooperative Work

1.7 Teaching and Learning Across Significant Differences

1.8 The Six Expectations of an Evergreen Graduate

1.9 Qualities of Evergreen Teaching Practices

1.10 Structural Elements of the Evergreen Curriculum

1.10.1 Coordinated Study Programs

1.10.2 Full-Time Study

1.10.3 Student Self Directed Study

1.10.4 Narrative Evaluation

1.11 Undergraduate Curriculum

The Organizational Structure of the Evergreen Curriculum

1.11.2 Curriculum Planning

1.11.1 Modes of Study

Evergreen Experience and Evergreen Graduate

1.11.3 First Year Programs and Options

1.11.4 Inter-Area Programs

1.11.5 Individual Contracts and Internships

1.11.6 Prior Learning from Experience

1.12 Planning Units

1.12.1 CTL Description

1.12.2 Environmental Studies

1.12.3 Expressive Arts

1.12.4 Scientific Inquiry

1.12.5 Society, Politics, Behavior and Change

1.12.6 Evening and Weekend Studies

1.13 Graduate Programs:

1.13.1 Masters in Public Administration

1.13.2 Master in Teaching

1.13.3 Master in Environmental Studies

Contradictions, Issues and Future Directions

1.14 Community and Autonomy

1.15 Future Directions