Standard 5.E

From selfstudy
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Library and information resources planning activities support teaching and learning functions by facilitating the research and scholarship of students and faculty. Related evaluation processes regularly assess the quality, accessibility, and use of libraries and other information resource repositories and their services to determine the level of effectiveness in support of the educational program.

See Analysis & Assessment of Teaching & Instructional Programs (Standard 5 Sections 2.2-2.3)

5.E.1 The institution has a planning process that involves users, library and information resource staff, faculty, and administrators.

Any major policy discussions or long-term planning processes invoke the college-wide DTF structure.

See Participatory Decision-Making Culture (Standard 1 Section 2.3) and Standard 6.

The College budget process and schedule drives most mid-term library planning. The College budget process is described in Standard 7 Section 7.A.3)

Instructional planning in the library is conducted through direct communication with faculty and planning units. Support facilities are planned as a result of these consultations.

See Teaching and Instruction (Standard 5 Section 2)

A suggestions and responses bulletin board is being re-established on a new library information kiosk.

Faculty who rotate into the Library identify projects as well as collection development they wish to address.

An annual Reference Services Group retreat, which includes the Dean of Library Services, establishes the year's work before classes start in the fall.

5.E.2 The institution, in its planning, recognizes the need for management and technical linkages among information resource bases (e.g., libraries, instructional computing, media production and distribution centers, and telecommunications networks).

Contemporary technology finally allows the actual creation of a "generic library" covering all media and locations, as originally envisioned by founding Library Dean, Jim Holly. See

Media Services and Instruction are part of the library. See

Library & Media Services work effectively with Computing and Communications and with Academic Computing to share planning, facilities, services and instruction. See

5.E.3 The institution regularly and systematically evaluates the quality, adequacy, and utilization of its library and information resources and services, including those provided through cooperative arrangements, and at all locations where courses, programs, or degrees are offered. The institution uses the results of the evaluations to improve the effectiveness of these resources.

Institutional Research includes LIR evaluation routinely in surveys of end-of-program reviews, and alumni and student surveys. See This data serves as a check for on-the-ground assessment. See IR focused on ITL during the first part of the self-study period due to a state mandate. See Computing and Communications contracted for a consultant's review. See Narrative self and peer evaluation of library faculty provide a forum for ongoing analysis within the larger culture of constant evaluation and assessment. See