Project Cards
- 1 Project Cards
- 1.1 Establish a Time Bank
- 1.2 Public Transportation Initiative
- 1.3 Establish Public Agenda in City Government
- 1.4 Citizen Journalism
- 1.5 Create Bike Paths=
- 1.6 Create High Quality/Density Urban Neighborhoods=
- 1.7 Local Energy Source=
- 1.8 Local Food=
- 1.9 Canvas Neighborhood
- 1.10 Pass Grocery Bag Initiative
- 1.11 Tire recycling
Project Cards
I hope my completed cards are enough of an example to use as a template. Just copy one whole card from the Project title to the four ending dashes and fill in your own project details.
Michael O.
Establish a Time Bank
Time banking allows individuals to do an hour of work in something they know how to do and use that hour of time credit to have a service performed for them they can not do. This builds connections in the community and promotes service to each other as an important ethic.
Actions to complete
- Test organization/planning skill and accumulate 6 successes
- Test Communication/Leadership and accumulate 4 successes
- Test Community Currency and accumulate 2 successes
Active for 4 turns
if Completed
All players receive +1 to Community Currency rolls
if Failed
Move Doomsday Clock 1 minute towards midnight at the end of each turn
Public Transportation Initiative
Public transportation that is well planned and developed makes needed service accessible to all without forcing everyone to own and maintain an automobile. By passing legislation at the local level to fund this valuable service a community can reduce its dependance on fossil fuel and cut its carbon emissions.
Actions to complete
- Test organization/planning skill and accumulate 3 successes
- Test Communication/Leadership and accumulate 6 successes
- Test Community Currency and accumulate 3 successes
Active for 4 turns
if Completed
Move Doomsday Clock 1 minute towards noon at the end of each turn
if Failed
Move Doomsday Clock 1 minute towards midnight at the end of each turn
Establish Public Agenda in City Government
By involving citizens in a meaningful way with the decisions of government at a local level real progress can be made towards addressing the actual needs of the community instead of the assumed desire for services top down government can not know will be effective.
Actions to complete
- Test organization/planning skill and accumulate 3 successes
- Test and accumulate 9 successes
Active for 4 turns
if Completed
Move Doomsday Clock 1 minute towards noon at the end of each turn
if Failed
All players receive -1 to Communication/Leadership rolls
Citizen Journalism
When local citizens take an active role in documenting the current issues and events in the community where they live, and there is an established means for spreading that knowledge throughout the community, the increase in collective awareness increases civic intelligence.
Actions to complete
- Test organization/planning skill and accumulate 9 successes
- Test Communication/Leadership and accumulate 3 successes
- Test Community Currency and accumulate 6 successes
Active for 6 turns
if Completed
Move Doomsday Clock 1 minute towards noon at the end of each turn All players recieve + 1 to organization/planning rolls
if Failed
Move Doomsday Clock 1 minute towards midnight at the end of each turn
Question: Does this mean if failed move one minute for every turn after fail? Answer: Yes.
- establish a community freecycle
Carl Determeyer
Create Bike Paths=
When commuting locally becomes to expensive or stricken with trouble via traffic, construction, or road rage blinded drivers, bike paths can be used to get from point A to B easily and safely. They also can provide scenery and better health for the rider.
Actions to complete
- Test Networking skill and accumulate ___ successes
- Test Communication/Action skill and accumulate ___ successes
active for 3 turns
if completed
All players receive ___ amounts of community currency
If failed
Doomsday Clock moves 2 minutes towards midnight after your last active turn,
Create High Quality/Density Urban Neighborhoods=
A quality home is something that everyone strives to live in and with Urban neighborhoods having bad reputations, we need to revitalize our Urban scene to create a better standard of living.
Actions to Complete
- Networking skill and accumulate ___ successes
- Organizing/Planning accumulate ___ successes
- Communication/action accumulate ___ successes
Active for 7 Turns
If Completed
Recieve + 2 to all skills move dooms day clock 1 minute towards noon
If failed
Doomsday Clock is moved ahead 2 minutes towards midnight
Local Energy Source=
With alternative means of energy being at the height of many debates and a hot topic around the globe, you decided that a local river fed from glacier run off can be used to power half the city of hydro damns are installed.
Actions to Complete
- Communication/action and accumulate ___ successes
- Networking accumulate ___ successes
active for 2 turns
IF completed
receive 6 points to be divided up among players
IF failed
move dooms day clock 1 minute towards midnight
Local Food=
A reliable and steady food source is key to any society to thrive and live a healthy life style. your goal is to get 4 local farmers selling there goods at the local grocery store.
Actions to complete
- Networking accumulate ___ successes
Active for 1 Turn
IF complete
Receive 2 points in community currency
If failed
due to heavy rumors and heat of the Fracture, the dooms day clock jumps ahead 4 minutes to midnight
Canvas Neighborhood
It's important for the people to be informed about the environmental problems outlying their communities. Successfully Canvas a Neighborhood about the damages of the local oil spill.
Actions to complete
- Test communication and accumulate 4 successes
- Test organization and accumulate 1 success
Active for two turns
If completed
Receive +1 in Networking
If failed
Since no one knew the dangers of the oil spill, no one cared to fix the damages. Set the dooms day clock 3 minutes towards midnight!
Pass Grocery Bag Initiative
To encourage less plastic waste pass initiative to give 20 cents off grocery bill for bringing in your own grocery bags.
Actions to complete
- Test Organizing/Planning and accumulate 3 successes
- Test Community Currency and accumulate 3 successes
Active for 2 turns
If completed
Move the dooms day clock 1 hour towards noon
If failed
Move dooms day clock 30 minutes towards midnight
Tire recycling
Approximately one tire is discarded per person per year, this is one of the most problematic sources of waste. Start up a tire recycling center where tires can be re-used for new shoe products, tire quarts, and as building utensils.
Actions to complete
*Test Community Currency and accumulate 5 successes
- Test organization/planning and accumulate 4 successes
Active for 5 turns
If completed
Move dooms day clock 3 minutes towards noon
If failed
Move dooms day clock 5 minutes towards mignight
Question: what is meant by enviromental upgrade? Also, vera can you send me your charecters so i can format them the way you have? i can't seem to get the blank template to work for me.
- Canvas neighborhood
- Pass grocery bag init
- Tire recycling
- Sustainable building
- recycling
- gleening
- food bank
- develop community garden
- childcare collective
- Car sharring
- free school
- Free clinic
- Free Community center
- Lead workshop on peak oil
- Develop community organizing
- Create bike paths
- Create high quality/high density urban neighborhoods
- local energy source
- Local food
- Envioromental upgrades
- water recycling