CIRAL Implementation
From civicintelligence
This section will need some introductory discussion. It would be very useful to include a table of options.
We also should include (probably at the end of this section) how this could be carried forward via contracts only or, even, as a non-Evergreen entity.
What do we need to find out to flesh these models out? (Tasks For Questioners) (Tasks For Researchers)
Barriers and Constraints
(Tasks For Questioners) (Tasks For Researchers)
We can find out more through the faculty handbook.
We can ask an academic dean. (Task For Brandon)
Requirements for CIRAL Program to be Offered
- Does the faculty's status with the school play a part?
- Does there have to be enough student demand/enrollment to be considered? (e.g. Is a Competitive Product Analysis performed to see if it should be offered?)
- Articles 7.2 and 7.3 of the CBA are relevent 7.2 basically says that if enrollment is below what is expected the faculty can make up for it in other ways. 7.3 says that enrollment levels can be reduced for experimental program initiaves.
- Can students specify a demand for class content prior to the course being offered?
- Do various course models change the number of students that can be involved?
- Independent Learning Contract (ILC)
- What can we do to get faculty approval for contracts before students sign on for it?
- Group Contracts
- Is it okay if students sign on to a group contract without having involvement in writing it?
- Inter-class cooperation
- Independent Learning Contract (ILC)
- Does the content have to follow any guidelines (e.g. a need to cover certain academic skills?)
- The content of a program is required to be interdisciplinary, the content of a course is not.
- What are the requirements for the class as a whole, and for individual students?
Measures of Success and Continuation
Program Products
- Are time and work measured when calculating the amount of credit earned?
- Does student performance impact the program's ability to be re-offered?
- Does handing out a high level of incompletes jeopardize the program's or the students' viability to continue? (N.B. Imagining a scenario where project work was not able to finish on time.)
Program Offering Formulations
- What are the different type of program offerings? (See faculty handbook).
- Coordinated Studies
- Group Contract
- Individual Contract
- Requirements for students to be able to take the program (Day vs Evening Weekend Studies)
- Ability to work across programs (i.e. between them)
- Ability to have a core class with a credit extension (+4 for community involvement)
Transformative Space Issues
- Helping struggling students to succeed in class, through supportive and transformative means.
- How to tackle potential complaints of plagiarism when supporting your classmates?
- Group agreement as a constraining factor for how credit is earned (Holding each other interpersonally accountable to the class/space).
- Ability to set up a physical place on or off campus.
- Is funding by public grants or private interests allowed?
- If allowed, then how does the money have to be used?
Q: Do we need to talk with an academic dean? A: Yes, and Doug. Brandon is on-board for follow-through.
Credit Models
4 Credit Core Model
4 Credit Main Class
- Bi-weekly meetings.
- Collaborate and learn the skills for starting or enhancing civic intelligence programs.
N.B. 4 credit classes are expected to be 10 hours of week each week, including the time spent in class, which is about 5 hours in itself, making 5 hours of out-of-class work. Check Quarter Hour Credit Award
Student Contracts
4-8 credit individual and/or group contracts added onto the class.
- These contracts will either work with local organizations already in place, or help create new ones.
- Contracts will be predetermined for first quarter, with intent of letting students decide in later quarters.
- Contracts should cover a variety of interests.
Alternative Credit Models
16 Credit Full Year Model
- Includes core curriculum as defined above.
- Community work defined during the first quarter and carried on throughout the year.
16 Credit Quarterly Model
- Includes core curriculum as defined above.
- Community work either predefined or loosely defined at the beginning of each quarter.
SOS Model
Need to find out more about student originated studies. Who can we talk to? (Tasks For Researchers)
Non-Program/Course Models
- Models of CIRAL (or aspects of it) as a supplement to current programs and groups within Evergreen that deal with Civic Intelligence. One possibly relevant example is the "Sustainability and Justice" (pseudo?) faculty planning unit at Evergreen.
- Any model of CIRAL as something other than a program or course. (E.g. a student club, social enterprise, or business)