Welcome to the Civic Intelligence Research and Action Lab wiki.
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This wiki is being developed for the CIRAL program being offered in Fall 2011. The lab is designed to be a place where the field of civic intelligence can be explored over multiple quarters by engaging in research and meaningful projects. This wiki is the repository for data collected during research and to document project work.
Civic Intelligence Book Project
The table of contents we developed in class This is where the actual book is!
What is in the field of study?
Models for understanding
- Constituents of Intelligence - This is the first model or framework we used for examining Civic Intelligence.
- SeeMe defines its self as a semi-structured, socio- technical Modeling Method.
- We are applying the SeeMe Modeling Method to our individual case studies to practice using a common language of meta-cognition to explain how many different things can illustrate principles of Civic Intelligence.
- A collection of useful research frameworks
Building Knowledge
Other Resources
This is the appendix and annotated bibliography.
Previous coursework at Evergreen relating to the field of civic intelligence
Civic Intelligence: Theory and Practice Spring 2011
(ILC) Building Civic Bodies: Group Wisdom In Small Towns
The focus of this contract is to identify the network of assets available in Longview, WA, and develop a framework for integrating the concepts of civic intelligence into that network. ~Michael O'Neill
Internet: Knowledge & Community, Winter 2011
- Syllabus
- Internet: Knowledge & Community Class Wiki Project
- Plato Lecture Series Recordings from Winter 2011:
- Please categorize and build this list! -