Game Projects
From civicintelligence
One of our class projects is to develop a game that will help educate its players about Civic Intelligence.
- Use patterns
- Should advance civic intelligence
- Connection to "real world"
- Publish rules online
- Play on May 28th
- Challenge orthodoxy
- Present alternatives
- Observe utopia
- Use teamwork/promote collaboration
- Rewards for good behavior
- Consequences for actions
- raise awareness of civic intelligence
- Inhabiting a role
- C.I. As byproduct of game
Design Teams
Our Class broke into five(?) design teams each developing a different type of game. You can see their work below.
Civic Intelligence RPG
"Team Awesome" (how is this not a great name?) is interested in designing a role playing game. Some of the examples mentioned were:
In our first brainstorming session we envisioned some of the elements of the game we might design:
- Character Sheets - a number of different roles within a community. Each character could have
- Atributes
- Personal Goals
- Flavor Text
- Scenarios - these would drive the game by giving the characters something to work towards
- each scenario might have multiple phases
- each phase could impose a limited number of turns to be completed in
- Other game elements
- Resources
- Influence
We agreed to meet an hour before class next Wednesday to play Mansions of Madness